Making Headway Center offers a variety of independent living support services for individuals affected by a brain injury. Participants live in a variety of residential arrangements—some with their families and some are able to live in their own homes but require ongoing independent living support services. At Making Headway Center, every individual is assessed to identify the best methods to maximize a person’s sense of self-reliance.
Becoming Independent
Customized Support
Daily Living Skills are taught in the Day Program. Developmental Trainers work 1:1 to provide consistent monitoring, assistance and opportunities for participants to put their plans for independence into practice in a safe, realistic environment of day-to- day living.
Building Strong Relationships
Case Managers and Developmental Trainers provide the necessary attention to those recovering and living with brain injuries, which can limit cognitive abilities, motor skills, emotional stability, relationships, memory, impulsivity, and various other functions. Making Headway Center endeavors to mitigate such limitations in order to facilitate the type of independence best suited to the individual.
A Wide Range of Support Services
Just as brain injuries vary, recovery and independence have different meanings from one participant to another. It’s important to note that at Making Headway Center, it’s about the individual rather than overgeneralizing about a population as a whole.