The Amazing Human Brain
The human brain is the command center for the human nervous system. It receives input from the sensory organs and sends output to the muscles. The human brain has the same basic structure as other mammal brains, but is larger in relation to body size than any other brains.
Frontal Lobes: Initiation; problem solving; judgment; inhibition of behavior; planning; anticipation; self‐monitoring; motor integration; personalities; emotions; motivation; awareness of abilities; attention; concentration; mental flexibility; speaking
Parietal Lobes: Sense of touch; seeing differences in size, shape, color; spatial perception; visual perception.
Temporal Lobes: Memory; hearing; understanding language; organization; sequencing; music awareness
Occipital Lobes: Vision; Cerebellum: Balance; coordination; skilled motor activity
Brain Stem: Relay station; consciousness; alertness; breathing; heart rate; basic body functions
Understanding the Brain & Improving Injury Treatment
Understanding the make-up of the brain allows us to understand how a brain injury can impact an individual. As we can surmise, the brain plays an important role in our every day lives and a brain injury can affect us in a variety of ways depending on the severity. Stay tuned for more information and facts about the brain as well as information about brain injury prevention and therapeutic services. As time progresses we are developing newer technologies that allow us to mitigate the negative impacts of brain injuries and we will keep our blog updated with the latest news.